Tuesday, 13 September 2011

The Desire to Do

The best way to learn about a culture is to learn their language. I am fascinated by cultures. Absolutely FASCINATED. But passion is sometimes detrimental to the self. Like a fire that's built up with sticks pointing upwards towards the sky. It'll keep you warm, it'll fix your gaze, it'll inspire, maybe even make your blood boil...but get too close, and it'll burn you, don't get too close, and eventually you'll be able to watch it collapse on itself. What then?

Life is about passion. But life is not about perfection. It doesn't require of you the fastidious excellence that say a job, or career or profession might demand of you. This is no longer a world of mediocrity. People are brilliant beyond their wildest imaginations. My brother kept going on and on about these words he heard in this movie...it was an American film, called 'Coach Carter'. The words were:

Our deep­est fear is not that we are inad­e­quate. Our deep­est fear is that we are pow­er­ful beyond mea­sure. It is our light, not our dark­ness that most fright­ens us. Your play­ing small does not serve the world. There is noth­ing enlight­ened about shrink­ing so that other peo­ple won’t feel inse­cure around you. We are all meant to shine as chil­dren do. It’s not just in some of us; it is in every­one. And as we let our own lights shine, we uncon­sciously give other peo­ple per­mis­sion to do the same. As we are lib­er­ated from our own fear, our pres­ence auto­mat­i­cally lib­er­ates others

REalistically, it's not true for everyone. To be powerful, you must truly feel powerful. Well, I know it can't be said for many poeple, but I do feel powerful. I feel like I can do almost anything I want to do. And whatever I can't do automatically, I'll find a way to do. I might seem vague now. Kevin Spacey sounded vague at the end of 'American Beauty', but like he said, "I'm sure you have no idea what I'm talking about. Someday you will." 

But my passion's getting in the way of my perfection. I can't be perfect at what I'm passionate about. So I decided to do something I am perfect at, or atleast can be, with the requisite amount of work. But that doesn't give me the satisfaction or thrill I get from learning languages, or travelling. So I've decided to balance it out and do BOTH. I will do it. And for no other reason than the blissful blissful fact that I want to. I wanna be able to play a piano for someone, if not just myself, and hum a ditty tune, and speak to random people in their mother tongues, and help them when they most need it, and travel to far and distant places with my friends and a camera. 

I saw a piano in Canary Wharf one day. It was just there to be played. It was just there. It was being offered to me. If I had the innocence of a child, I would've just sat right down, and banged something off it. But I'm not a child anymore. I'm full of fear. And I didn't wanna touch it unless I knew what to do with it. Such an offer, and I had to turn it down. I can't forget about it. And I won't ever let it happen again. Never again. 

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